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 my GM APplication

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Join date : 2010-08-18

my GM APplication Empty
PostSubject: my GM APplication   my GM APplication EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 10:59 pm

Name: Mark Angelou R. Pastidio
Age: 14 year's old
Location: Philippines
Hours Online: Depends :5-8 hours
IGN : Kingbokol(Blade)

Why should I be chosen as a GM at Keng Flyff:
Because I have the personality that a GM should have, I've been an Active GM's at other server but I quited because the server wasn't good as I expected, So as a result I am Applying as a GM at your server because for me, This server surely rock's! It has so many active players and the server is always stable. The special thing i like about this server is the self customized item's by the developer's. The item's are so super duper brilliant.

What good moral's do I have? :
I am responsible, well trusted, loyal, approachable, helpful, active gamer. I love to help other people, If they have question's they can simply chat or pm me, I will not think twice to answer it, I surely love to answer you guys and help with your problems, I can speak proper english, Because I know most of the players in this server speaks english. I will do by best to help you but I won't give items, I wont help you guys leveling, But I will answer you're questions and i will answer it in complete sentence.

How can I Help this server? :
I can help this server through entertaining questions of the player's, I can also recruit lots of player's. I will tell them to play this server because it has a lot of surprises and this server is always stable. I will tell them to vote always and I myself will also vote every 12 hour's. I will also recruit my schoolmates to play this server. But! , this i promised most, Even thought they are my close friend's, I will never ever give them item's or help them leveling.
I will treat this job as a real life based job.

What is you're plan for this server? :
I plan to make this server more lively, I'm gonna recruit active player's and tell them to donate to enjoy the game more than they ever did. I'm gonna Spread Vote link's via Facebook, Friendster, Myspace, multiply, youtube comments, and Group messages at Yahoo Messenger. I will do my very best to make the population of this server grow bigger. I will follow the rule's and order's given to me. I promise to obey it without any lie's or failures. I know being a GM is not an easy job, especially on answering the problem's of many player's, But as i said I will do my best to satisfy them on my work.

Have you been a GM at other server's?
Yeah, I was an long time active GM on previous server's i joined, But I quited after many month's because it wasn't good like this server. Let me say that this server is more good than the original flyff. I know the code's in official flyff file's, I already familiarized the item's, Monster's, Map's, Job's, Skill's in this game.

How many years have you played flyff?
I've been playing Original flyff for around 2 years, and a 3 year GM at private server's, and if ever my GM application form will be accepted, I would like to stay at this server forever as long as it is.

P.S : I know the player's in this game doesnt know because I'm not popular. But i surely do promise that you will love me soon because I really wanna do my job perfectly. If my GM application form is still short or do you have any comment's about me, I would love to hear from you guy's. I am open to all, I hope you like my simple GM application form, enjoy reading and more luck and blessing's to come to the server, the Fly For Keng staff, and of course the loyal player's in this game.

<3 TWISEmark ~~
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my GM APplication Empty
PostSubject: DENIED   my GM APplication EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 11:22 pm

Dami nakasi namin Mad
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my GM APplication Empty
PostSubject: Re: my GM APplication   my GM APplication EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 11:23 pm

anu poh yun?
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Age : 30

my GM APplication Empty
PostSubject: Re: my GM APplication   my GM APplication EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 3:30 am

Funny !! You have the same App as Mia. lol!
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