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 Infernus' GM Application

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Posts : 17
Join date : 2010-08-18
Age : 30

Infernus' GM Application Empty
PostSubject: Infernus' GM Application   Infernus' GM Application EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 8:24 am

1. Personal Information
-Name: Alfonzo Louis Aldanese
-Age: 16
-Where are you from: Philippines
-What are the hours you are able to play FlyFF?
*12 - 14 Hrs. people need sleep too xD
-What languages do you speak?
*English, Tagalog, Bisaya. (Fluently in English)

2. How long have you been playing on Flyforkeng?
Ive been playing for a few weeks now, and I basically know the whole community by heart.

3. Do you have any previous experience on private servers? Tell us about it.
I played on DareFlyff, KaosFlyff, FlyForFame, FlyForTindrick, FlyForTrouble and Celestia Flyff, I was a Mod at first, then I became a GM. I soon quit after due to corruption issues .

4. What rate do you give to your Flyff knowledge?
Honestly, 8.5/10

5. Global flyff experience:

-How long have you played PFlyff?
About 3 years
-Do you still play it?
-What level?
Master BillPoster

6. What can you say about yourself in general?
Well, I'm an out going guy, I'm really friendly and I love talking to people lol.
I'm very determined to get things done, if they need to be accomplished.

7. Why do you think you are the best one to fill this position?
I know ill do great as a GM, because I have allot of GM experience, but I don't think I'm the "best" one, I think there are many players who are well qualified for being a GM.

8. (If you have any other skills that could improve the community like developer or designer or anything
you think you should tell us, do it in this item, just remove it if not applicable.)

I have my own event system like "Run For Your Life" "Last Man Standing" And "Hide And Seek With PVP" and more.

Thanks for reading,
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